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Is Hotel Obsidian Real? Uncover the Hidden Truth

Is Hotel Obsidian Real
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Hotel Obsidian is not a real hotel and is a fictional place imagined for The Umbrella Academy. Located in Austin, Texas, it has gained popularity due to its appearance and significance in the show.

The Hotel Obsidian is a functioning hotel known for its discretion and leniency, chosen as a base of operations by the Hargreeves family after discovering the Sparrow Academy.

Although it may resemble a real place in New York City or another upscale town, Hotel Obsidian only exists within the fictional world of The Umbrella Academy.

Hotel Obsidian: Fact Or Fiction?

The concept of Hotel Obsidian holds significant importance in The Umbrella Academy series.

It is a functioning hotel known for its discretion and leniency, where Klaus coincidentally leads the Hargreeves family to its doors and chooses it as a base of operations.

However, is Hotel Obsidian a real place or just a fictional creation?

Well, in reality, Hotel Obsidian does not exist as an actual hotel. It is a fictional place imagined for The Umbrella Academy.

While it may bear a resemblance to real locations like New York City or other swanky towns, it is purely a creation of the series.

So, if you were hoping to book a stay at Hotel Obsidian, unfortunately, that’s not possible. But you can still enjoy the mysterious and intriguing allure of the fictional hotel in The Umbrella Academy.

Unveiling The Truth: Real Or Imaginary

The real Hotel Obsidian is located in Hamilton, Canada, and goes by the name of Royal Connaught. Well, at least on the outside.

The building’s exterior bears a strong resemblance to the fictional Hotel Obsidian depicted in The Umbrella Academy series.

However, it’s important to note that the real hotel is not associated with any supernatural occurrences or secretive organizations like the one portrayed in the show.

While the real and fictional versions may share some visual similarities, there are clear differences between them.

The fictional Hotel Obsidian serves as the main base of operations for the Hargreeves family and is an integral part of the show’s storyline.

On the other hand, the real Royal Connaught is a functioning hotel known for its charm and elegance.

Overall, Hotel Obsidian in The Umbrella Academy is a fictitious creation, designed to add intrigue and mystery to the show.

Fans of the series would be disappointed to learn that it doesn’t actually exist in real life, but they can still visit the real Royal Connaught in Hamilton and appreciate its architectural beauty.

The Inspiration Behind Hotel Obsidian

Hotel Obsidian is a fictional hotel featured in the TV series “The Umbrella Academy.” While it is not a real hotel, it draws inspiration from other fictional hotels, such as The Overlook and The Grand Budapest.

The design and concept of Hotel Obsidian are influenced by these iconic hotels, creating a unique and captivating setting for the show.

Although it may resemble a real place in cities like New York, Hotel Obsidian exists only in the world of the show.

Its mysterious and alluring nature adds to the intrigue and excitement of “The Umbrella Academy” storyline.

So, while you won’t be able to book a room at Hotel Obsidian in real life, you can enjoy its presence in the show and marvel at its fictional brilliance.

The Role Of Hotel Obsidian In The Umbrella Academy

Examining the significance of Hotel Obsidian within the storyline:

  • Its role as the base of operations for the Hargreeves family.
  • Functionality and features portrayed in the series.

The Hotel Obsidian is a functioning hotel known for its discretion and leniency. Klaus coincidentally leads the Hargreeves family to its doors, choosing it as a base of operations after they discover the Sparrow Academy in their usual digs.

Though Hotel Obsidian does look like it could be a real place in New York City or another swanky town, it’s fictional and only exists in The Umbrella Academy.

The hotel’s design seems to draw inspiration from both the Overlook Hotel and the Grand Budapest Hotel, creating a unique atmosphere within the show.

Its functionality in the series revolves around its role as a hideout and a hub for the main characters, providing a central location for various plot developments.

Overall, Hotel Obsidian plays a vital role in shaping the narrative of The Umbrella Academy.

The Mystery Unraveled: Understanding Hotel Obsidian

The mystery surrounding Hotel Obsidian in The Umbrella Academy has sparked curiosity among fans.

The fictional portrayal of this enigmatic hotel serves a distinct purpose in creating an atmospheric setting for the series.

It adds to the overall narrative by providing a base of operations for the Hargreeves family after their discovery of the Sparrow Academy.

While Hotel Obsidian may resemble real locations such as New York City, it exists only within the fictional world of the show.

Although fans have drawn parallels to other famous hotels like the Overlook and the Grand Budapest, Hotel Obsidian is a unique creation in its own right.

Its role in the series adds to the intrigue and allure of the Umbrella Academy universe.

Is Hotel Obsidian Real

Credit: www.reddit.com

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Is The Real Hotel Obsidian?

The real Hotel Obsidian is located in Hamilton, Canada, and is known as the Royal Connaught. It is a functioning hotel used in the filming of The Umbrella Academy.

What Is Up With Hotel Obsidian?

Hotel Obsidian is a fictional hotel featured in The Umbrella Academy series. It serves as a base for the Hargreeves family and is known for its discretion and leniency. In reality, Hotel Obsidian is not a real hotel, but a fictional place imagined for the show.

What Hotel Is Used For Hotel Obsidian?

Hotel Obsidian is a fictional hotel used in the show “The Umbrella Academy. ” It is not a real hotel.

Who Created Hotel Obsidian?

Sir Reginald Hargreeves created Hotel Obsidian in the fictional world of The Umbrella Academy.


Hotel Obsidian may capture our imaginations, but sadly, it is not a real hotel. Despite the allure of its sleek design and luxurious atmosphere, it only exists within the world of The Umbrella Academy.

While viewers may search for its real-life counterpart, they will find the true Hotel Obsidian in the fictional realm.

Nevertheless, this doesn’t diminish the excitement and intrigue that this unique setting brings to the show.

So, let your imagination run wild, and enjoy the mythical allure of Hotel Obsidian from the comfort of your own screen.

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