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Can Hotels Charge for Emotional Support Animals?

Can Hotels Charge for Emotional Support Animals
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Emotional support animals play a crucial role in providing comfort and companionship to individuals with mental health conditions.

These animals are not considered pets but rather provide therapeutic benefits to their owners. However, the question arises: can hotels charge for emotional support animals?

In this article, we will explore the legal landscape surrounding emotional support animals, focusing on the specific context of hotels.

We will delve into federal and state laws, examine different perspectives, and provide clarity on the matter.

Emotional Support Animals in Hotels

Can Hotels Charge for Emotional Support Animals?

Hotels can legally charge fees or restrict emotional support animals (ESAs) despite their exemption under housing laws. However, some accommodations may accommodate ESAs without additional charges as a courtesy. Policies vary, so it’s best to check with the specific hotel beforehand.

Hotels, as privately owned establishments, have their own policies and regulations regarding emotional support animals.

It is crucial to distinguish between service animals and emotional support animals. Service animals, such as guide dogs for the visually impaired, have broader legal protection and are allowed access to most public places.

Emotional support animals, on the other hand, do not possess the same level of legal protection as service animals.

While they are recognized as necessary companions for individuals with disabilities, hotels may have the discretion to charge fees or impose restrictions on emotional support animals. However, the specifics of these policies can vary.

Legal considerations play a significant role in determining whether hotels can charge for emotional support animals.

Hotel owners must navigate the complex landscape of federal and state laws, including the FHA and specific state regulations.

It is recommended that individuals traveling with emotional support animals contact hotels in advance to inquire about their policies and any potential fees.

Alternatively, individuals with emotional support animals can explore alternative accommodation options that are specifically designed to cater to their needs.

These establishments often have a better understanding of the benefits provided by emotional support animals and may have more accommodating policies.

Federal Laws Regarding Emotional Support Animals

Fair Housing Act

The Fair Housing Act (FHA) is a federal law that prohibits housing discrimination against individuals with disabilities.

Under the FHA, emotional support animals are considered a reasonable accommodation for individuals with mental health conditions.

To qualify for this accommodation, the person must have a disability and the animal must provide necessary emotional support.

The definition of disability under the FHA is broad and includes mental impairments such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Landlords are required to make reasonable accommodations for emotional support animals, even in properties with no-pet policies.

However, there are exceptions if the animal poses a direct threat to the safety or property of others.

Air Carrier Access Act

The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) protects the rights of individuals with disabilities during air travel.

This act allows emotional support animals to accompany their owners in the cabin of an aircraft, provided certain conditions are met.

Airlines have specific requirements and documentation guidelines that must be followed to ensure compliance with the ACAA.

State Laws Regarding Emotional Support Animals

Florida Laws on Emotional Support Animals

Florida recognizes emotional support animals as a legitimate form of treatment for individuals with mental health conditions.

The state follows the guidelines set forth by federal laws, including the FHA and the ACAA.

In Florida, emotional support animals are exempt from specific restrictions that apply to pets, such as breed or size limitations.

However, it is essential to note that Florida law does not grant emotional support animals unlimited access to public places.

While they are generally allowed in housing and during air travel, restrictions, and limitations may apply.

The issue of hotels charging fees for emotional support animals in Florida requires further exploration.

Tennessee Laws on Emotional Support Animals

Similar to Florida, Tennessee recognizes emotional support animals as an important aspect of mental health treatment.

Individuals with disabilities are protected by the FHA and the ACAA, ensuring their right to have emotional support animals in housing and during air travel.

However, Tennessee may have specific regulations regarding hotels charging fees for emotional support animals.

Landlord Rights and Emotional Support Animals

Emotional support animals are not limited to housing situations such as hotels; they are also relevant in rental properties.

Each state has its own laws and regulations governing the rights of landlords and tenants regarding emotional support animals. Let’s take a closer look at the situation in Texas.

Texas Laws on Emotional Support Animals in Rental Properties

In Texas, individuals with mental health conditions have the right to request reasonable accommodations for emotional support animals in rental properties.

Landlords are generally required to make necessary accommodations, provided certain conditions are met.

These conditions may include appropriate documentation from a licensed mental health professional.

Landlord’s Right to Deny an Emotional Support Animal

While landlords are generally obligated to make reasonable accommodations, they do have some rights when it comes to emotional support animals.

If the animal poses a direct threat to the safety or property of others, or if accommodating the animal would impose an undue financial burden on the landlord, they may have grounds to deny the request.

However, these situations must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


Can hotels in Florida charge for emotional support animals?

While Florida recognizes emotional support animals, hotels may have the discretion to charge fees or impose restrictions. It is recommended to inquire with hotels about their policies in advance.

Can hotels charge for emotional support animals in Tennessee?

Similar to Florida, Tennessee recognizes emotional support animals, but hotels may have their own policies regarding fees and restrictions. It is advisable to check with hotels directly.

Does Florida recognize emotional support animals?

Yes, Florida recognizes emotional support animals as a legitimate form of treatment for individuals with mental health conditions.

Can a landlord deny an emotional support animal in Texas?

Landlords in Texas generally have to make reasonable accommodations for emotional support animals, but there are exceptions if the animal poses a direct threat or imposes an undue financial burden.


The ability of hotels to charge fees for emotional support animals depends on various factors, including federal and state laws, hotel policies, and the specific context of the situation.

While emotional support animals are recognized as valuable companions for individuals with disabilities, they may not have the same level of legal protection as service animals.

It is important for individuals traveling with emotional support animals to research and communicate with hotels in advance to understand their policies and any associated fees.

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